Unable to Delete Files or Folders or Error Showing While delete Files or Folders From Computer

When we try to delet any files or folders from computer its showing unknown error or process is busy so we can not delet those files and folder. Find the below solutions to delete those files and folder using command prompt.

1.File Delete in Command Prompt:
Assuming that your “My Documents” folder contains a file called “File.doc” which needs to be deleted. Follow the steps given below :
* In Command Prompt window you will find a path :
C:\Documents and Settings\ABC>
(where ABC is the name of User Account).
* Execute the following command in Command Prompt window : cd My Documents
(C:\Documents and Settings\ABC>cd My Documents)
* Now the path will be changed and it will look like :
C:\Documents and Settings\ABC\My Documents>
* Now use the DEL command to delete the offending file in Command Prompt Window.
Syntax : Type DEL (where is the file you wish to delete).
Example: C:\Documents and Settings\ABC\My Documents>del File.doc

2.FOLDER Delete in Command Prompt:
Assuming that your “My Documents” folder contains another folder called “New Folder” which needs to be deleted. Follow the steps given below :
* In Command Prompt window you will find a path :
C:\Documents and Settings\ABC>
(where ABC is the name of User Account).
* Now use the RMDIR /S /Q command to delete the offending folder in Command Prompt Window.
Syntax : Type RMDIR /S /Q “” (where is the Location of folder you wish to delete).
Example: C:\Documents and Settings\ABC>rmdir /s /q “C:\Documents and Settings\ABC\My Documents\New Folder”

***Source from WEB

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